is a DVD the same as a VCD, e.g. where to buy a VCD? : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I am new at attempting to record a video using software (Pinnacle) that says I can record from a DVD to a VCD. However, when I search to purchase Blank VCD's for recording, there does'nt seem to be any out there. is VCD another name for DVD-R ?


-- ernest neal christian (, October 26, 2004


There is an explanation of the format at Basically, VCD (Video CD) was the first digital video format. It was designed to put video on CD media. The quality of VCD is roughly on par with VHS video. If the VCD is carefully made, it can be better than VHS quality. If it's not carefully made, it can be of worse quality. You burn VCD to CD-R media. The format has survived because PCs and most standalone DVD players will play them. Also, they tend to be cheaper than DVDs. If you live in a large American city, you might be able to find VCDs in video shops in your local Chinatown. I have bought VCDs from the following stores through the Internet and can recommend them: In short, VCD is a different format than DVD and does not use the same media.

-- Root (root@yahoo.moc), October 27, 2004.

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