L&W Articles

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Central of Georgia Railway Historical Soc : One Thread

In my collection of railroad magazines, I have the AUG.1974 RMC and the shortlived Railroading from 1971 that mention the Louisville and Wadley Railroad. More recently I purchased the April-June '04 The Right WAY with the Steve Flanigan article on the L&W. Are there any other publications like Trains, Model Railroader or Railfan&Railroad where this shortline might have appeared?

-- richard lea (grandsound@hotmail.com), October 24, 2004


Hi Richard,

The L&W has received very little coverage in the hobby press over the years. When it has, it's usually in connection with something else, as in the '74 RMC article on SW1's. However, you can find some additional material and photos in the following books:

Mixed Train Daily, Beebe & Clegg Rails Through Dixie, Krause & Reid Steam Locomotives of the Central of Georgia, Prince Central of Georgia Railway Album, Beckum & Langley

Hope this helps.

Steve Flanigan

-- Steve Flanigan (sflanigan@mystuffbags.org), October 27, 2004.

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