i want get the better quality for my vcd

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

i used ADSTech InstantDVD,which only can capture MPEG but not for AVI, to capture VCD quality(352x288), but the quality is really low. however,when i captured with DVD best quality (704x576),the quality surely better,but somehow i need to encode the video clips with umteen hours when i was trying to make it into VCD..so wat i hope to know is how can i save time to make a better quality VCD?

one more weird thing happen after doing encoding, the sound of the VCD is come slower than the video... is that my pc got problems?

these questions have been happening when i start Making VCD 2 years ago.. but so far i still can't get the solution..

thanks very much for your help..

-- Yiewin Kang (yiewin@yahoo.com), October 06, 2004


hi i have same proble and still did't know how to solve it pls if u get any information pls send me too and if i get i will send u

-- sherif sol (sherif_ge@hotmail.com), October 28, 2004.

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