Jubinell = You are nailed an ignorant individual who khows nothing about VietNam and its bloodiest corrupted Communist Regime on earth

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Vietnamese American Society : One Thread

As we have seen in this forum a person under jubinell [ you be nailed ] hase made many remarks and comments of various posters on the Free VietNam subject. It appears that jubinell does not khow much about Viet Nam and the poor condition of living under tight controlled of a police state Regime in Viet Nam of normal vietnamese folks. I would invite him to come to Viet Nam and see normal folks who are living in the rural areas or in poor part of towns, the political dissidents, the imprisoned vietnameses to find out about their government before he post his comments here so we can have a common ground issues to debate or discuss intelligently.


i love the way when it's all about me...yeah, i know your style, you associate every baddies with the government right? You start politically, then mix in some econs facts that's got nothing to do with communism, then you raise some stupid questions of morality that are even in doubt in western countries...then it all goes ablast: ontologically, sociologically, demographically, grammatically, enumenically, sometimes even sexually. Somehow, for every trivial argument of that sort which you win, there appears another bigger reason to stay dogged in your betrayal.

< Let set the fact straight here : Current Vietnam communist regime is the most oppressed regime in the world today. There are so many Vietnamese innocent people have been imprisoned by their own government because they spoke out against this regime. The only simple thing they asked is Freedom of speech, Freedom of religion right and asking the government and their KGB agents stop stealing money from the public funds that would be used to develop the infrastructure of Viet Nam economy. The current regime is also the most corrupted system, before opening your mouth think boy or you will be nailed for what you said that is untrue.> umm...dr. linguist, either you really know nothing of french, or you're an old-ass 60 years dude who sits and watch soap opera all day, take a pick!

umm, are you talking bout that one typo down the second line? No? And you know that "cowards" is actually english right? Then the apology is mine, Beside those i can't be any more picky.

Oh yeah but you ARE picky. Then maybe you might be interessed inn goin to0 wanadoo.fr chat rooms and see how "real" frenc peuple doe "realle" mistaks, d'accord? ki e tu? kelkun ki con prend tu e ki di tu, me c pukoi heh? jen sai pa, mai il nia okun ra por entr ca elex tintion du comunisme, ok? tu aim francai com ca mieu he? be, soine peu plu gentil, leche-kul Oh and by the way, before I sign off this forum, my exotic name has a pretty relevant meaning that i'd like to share with yall: Memory is a strange bell Jubilee and Knell -Emily D ~Once you've finished checking your little pocket dictionaries for those two ingredients you will indeed realize that Yes, we ARE a cursed race. We have no unity, and hitherto, your apparent lack thereof is far from reblessing it. =========================================================

You be nailed every single time boy jubinell >

PS : This forum is for Vietnamses who come to post their news and discussion of how to change Vietnam as a country under totalitarian comunist rule and one of the bloodiest , oppressed, corrupted regime onto a Democratic Viet Nam where the people can vote and select their officials based on the skill and ability to tun the government by the Rule of Law not by the rule of jungle as we have seen in VietNam today .

Cán Ngố Ãn Dải Dút ===============================================================

-- jubinell (frenchman@iknowfrench.com), September 26, 2004

-- (Cán_Ngố_Ãn-Dải-Dút@BBP.govt), September 26, 2004


Oooff, haven't been here for 2 days and things have matured so quickly

First off, nice!...why? thank you for such a compliment,

------ "I would invite him to come to Viet Nam and see normal folks who are living in the rural areas or in poor part of towns, the political dissidents, the imprisoned vietnameses to find out about their government before he post his comments here so we can have a common ground issues to debate or discuss intelligently."

-Umm, I have seen the normal folks. In fact, I am the normal folks. IN MORE FACTS, I LIVE IN VIETNAM YOU STUPID HOG "WHO CAN'T READ GOOD AND WANT TO DO OTHER THINGS GOOD TOO"!

I have been to the rural areas and poor part of towns. In fact, I WAS AT ONE POINT IN MY LIFE LIVING IN THE RURAL AREAS AND POOR PARTS OF TOWN. As of now, I still know people from those areas.

On another side of the same story, why don't you visit the poor parts of New York? Somebody should really clean up that filth.

As for the political dissidents, they deserve a wider spectrum of dicussion, which I will attempt to shed lights into separately. Meanwhile, I do have a life, unlike some of you who do no shit but clog up net-space. I beg your pardon there.

Just to get you started. The CIA have been assassinating numerous people on account of their being politically "un-American" for decades. How is this any better than the Vietnamese government (if at all) imprisoning the dissidents?

Like I said, that's just to get your started. I will talk more on that subject later.

-------- "PS : This forum is for Vietnamses who come to post their news and discussion of how to change Vietnam as a country under totalitarian comunist rule and one of the bloodiest , oppressed, corrupted regime onto a Democratic Viet Nam where the people can vote and select their officials based on the skill and ability to tun the government by the Rule of Law not by the rule of jungle as we have seen in VietNam today."

"This forum is for Vietnamses who come to post their news and discussion of how to change Vietnam as a country...onto a Democratic Viet Nam." Have you learned Coase's theorem? Changes will inititate when there's a need to. The people will revolt when there's a need to. Right now, it's just you and your big mouth.

You would have to believe me that Vietnam is far from being "one of the bloodiest , oppressed, corrupted regime..." You can see this empirically (if you have eyes that some times wander outside western newspapers). I think economics stats tell the biggest stories.

Also try visiting other countries, how about other developping countries, (once you've beat your taxes hard enough, of course). Once you've been to all 5 continents like me come back and talk.

"...onto a Democratic Viet Nam where the people can vote and select their officials based on the skill and ability to tun the government by the Rule of Law not by the rule of jungle as we have seen in VietNam today." I like the phrase "based on the skill and ability..." the most. Of course we see that happening with Bush Jr. Just because he's protecting the rights of the biggest farmers and agricultural producers against export competitions and taxes means that he should get elected again heh? Oh yeah of course, 99% of the senators are rich-ass people who has never seen poor. Is this the "un-jungle" law you're talking about? --------

Once again I would have felicitated you on your "apparent lack" of communication skills. So is the case with your ability to analyze what somebody writes.

-------- I would love to facilitate an "intelligent" discussion. But all you hogs seem to be doing is denounce, condemn, traduce and vilify the people/place that you've never met/been to.

-- Jube (jub@jub.jub), September 28, 2004.

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