Donating to Catholic Familyland for family ministry : LUSENET : Catholic : One Thread

I hope that this isn't wrong to ask for on a message board, but when I read the rules it didn't say anything against it that I saw. If it did let me know please.

My husband and I and my daughter would like to serve the Apostolate for Family Consecration in a unique way. See there website to learn more about them at and let me know if you would like to donate to them on our behalf. My husband would like to work full time for them, but we need to find people to donate to them directly so that they could pay him a full time celery. It is a Protestant concept that is new to Catholic families, but it helps families to do ministry and it works. Do you want to contact us directly and let us know you would help us by donating to the Apostolate or if you know of someone that would be interested then just email at my catholic exchange account. Thank you very much.

This by the way is something we are considering doing seriously but only if it is possible to collect enough people to donate to the Apostolate on our behalf.

-- Sonya (, September 20, 2004



-- (bump@bump.bump), September 20, 2004.

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