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greenspun.com : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

I have a MV soft bike cover that I purchased from Motowheels for $119. I will take $75. I have a clear double bubble windscreen (awesome clarity) $65 I have a clear lexan headlight cover that has never been out of the package $25. I will pay shipping in the U.S. ytry@charter.net

-- Curt McMillion (ytry@charter.net), September 16, 2004


is this custom cover in black with mv logo? thanks

-- edy fine (edyfine@yahoo.com), September 18, 2004.

Hi, I am intrested in purchasing the soft MV f4 bike cover. Im curentlly in masachusettes. do you still have it? thanks matt

-- matt smeeton (mattsmeeton@hotmail.com), September 22, 2004.

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