charlize : LUSENET : Aeon Flux : One Thread | weeks...hopefully shooting will restart! (as it's postponed now according to the news)
-- yakov grinberg (, September 14, 2004
Hey, how the hell did you post a new thread??
-- Grant Fox Griz (, September 24, 2004.
the movies gonna suck, i wish they made an animated movie..
-- Bryan Berg (, September 25, 2004.
When I first heard about the movie I thought it was going to be animated. I do think that it would be great animated, but I think it's going to be worth giving a chance. I'm really looking forward to seeing it, I just hope that this is not setting everyone up for a major disappointment.
-- Ashlee E. (, October 02, 2004.
make an anime like dark fury plez
-- hjg (, October 15, 2004.
*Bump*...oops, wont work here
-- Grant "The Man" Grismore (, November 04, 2004.
I notice yakov hasn't answered your question, how did he post a new thread, haha.
-- Mindie (, November 05, 2004.