South Vietnam Editing Flag of South Vietnam (section) : LUSENET : Vietnamese American Society : One Thread |
The Republic of Vietnam (Vietnamese: Việt Nam Cộng Ḥa), also known as South Vietnam, was created by the partition of Vietnam in 1954 after the defeat of France at the Battle of Dien Bien Phu. South Vietnam's capital was Saigon and it was ruled by an anti-Communist government. Flag of South VietnamThere is debate about how closely the South Vietnamese government was linked to the United States, which was a strong supporter of South Vietnam. The country is alleged by many historians to have been nothing more than an American-backed puppet government, but many others claim that it was genuine democracy (or, at the least, a patriotic movement with genuine concern for the Vietnamese people). An individual's views on the matter generally correspond closely to their views on the Vietnam War in general - supporters of the war often believe that South Vietnam was a democracy, and thus worthy of defence, while opponents of the war often believe that South Vietnamese democracy was a sham. Most US forces withdrew from South Vietnam in 1973. No longer able to successfully defend itself, the South Vietnamese government surrendered to North Vietnam and the National Liberation Front (NLF) on April 30, 1975. The Communist Republic of South Vietnam took power and ruled until a unified Socialist Republic of Vietnam was inaugurated on July 2, 1976. Editing Flag of South Vietnam (section) MOI BAN BAM VAO LINK !...-§ion=1 MOI BAN BAM VAO LINK !...- To support Wikipedia's growth, please visit our fundraising page (, or read about how we use the money
-- Nong Bi' Dai" (, August 09, 2004
Xin nghiêm cứu kỹ rồi hăng đăng ,cờ VN có từ năm 1890 chứ không phải năm 1954 ,VNCH tiếp tục dùng nó để biểu lộ tinh thần dân tộc .
-- thich du thu (, August 09, 2004.
Xin vô web "
-- thich du thu (, August 09, 2004.