Can someone tell me how to download episode 135 without bittorent or going to lordinuyasha or to codec or kazza or kazza lite++ : LUSENET : Community Anime Reviews : One Thread

Can someone tell me how to download episode 135 without bittorent or going to lordinuyasha or to codec or kazza or kazza lite++? I would be gratefull if you do tell me and plez if you can can you email it 2 me????? ??????????????????????

-- I dunno (, August 07, 2004


I don't think its possible to download it without any of those things. What's wrong with kazaa or bittorrent? Is it because you don't wanna waste your time waiting for the download to finish, is your kazaa slow or something? And you might need to download an encoder afterwards anyways, just in case it does not wanna play. Other solution is the buy the dvd or vhs.

-- Mark (, August 09, 2004.

I would recomend bittorrent to you, it is better than kazaa(atleast when it comes to downloading movies or anime)because if you download episode 135 from there, you are gonna be more sure that that is the episode that you are gonna get. When I had kazaa and I downloaded anime from there, sometimes it would end up as a bad file, or it would end up being a different thing. So that is my solution to you, this case is closed......

-- Mark (, August 09, 2004.

Go to They have the entire series...(when you click on Inuyasha and go to the direct download area you have to look at the very top of the screen under PARENT DIRECTORY to find episodes 100+) I hope this works for you because it's a really great site!

-- Dragon LeHeart (, February 20, 2005.

It's good, but some of the eps don't work..

-- Leanne (, February 25, 2005.

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