these dumb b*stards! is it any wonder their countryis f**ked : LUSENET : Anarchy 2 : One Thread

Poachers Putting Endangered Rhinos at Risk GLAND, Switzerland - Gangs of poachers in Congo have been slaughtering the world's minuscule population of northern white rhinos, reducing the population by about one-half in just more than a year, a key conservation organization said Friday.

Numbers of the white rhino in the Garamba National Park in war-torn northeastern Congo, the species' only wild population, dropped to between 17 and 22 in an aerial survey conducted in July, the World Conservation Union said. That means 14 to 19 rhinos have been lost in just 14 months, it said.

"This is the only viable population left," the group said in a statement. "The breeding success of the few animals found in captivity is very poor."

Northern white rhinoceroses formerly were widespread, with an estimated 2,250 living in five African states in 1960, but poachers killing the animal for their horns reduced the wild population to 15 by 1984, all of them in the park, the statement said.

Conservation efforts helped the animal to recover, and an April 2003 survey found a minimum of 30, the organization said.

Increasing numbers of heavily armed poaching gangs from the area and neighboring Sudan are believed responsible for the recent slaughter.

thestupiddumb fking jiggaboos. eat ,shit, wankand steal. whata wasteof a goodair to give these people life in the first place.

-- jim (jim@the.jungle), August 06, 2004


dumb niggers, what you expect.

-- (fg@dfg.dfg), August 08, 2004.

The same shit from white fags like you for even posting this bullshit. Why the hell don't you sorry-ass white punks on whatever dope you're on just eat shit and die! Hell, you morons can't even spell worth a damn anyway.

-- (, August 09, 2004.

Well, anybody that's doing that deserves to be punished no matter what race they are.

-- Anti-bush (, August 11, 2004.

Whats up with this little faggot "foobar". Does he/she/it have a purpose around here? Seems to me all it does is throw in little digs here and there, not presenting any thoughtful discussions anywhere! It seems like the type of little pissant that is disgruntled because: A. He's got a little weiner B. He got beat up by everyone in school. Even the kids that rode the short bus. C. This is how he takes out his frustration from his job swabbing the deck of the mens room at the bus station. D. When he's not busy being the mop rat, he's sucking cocks for nickels at said bus station. Makes sense to me now. Every board has to have it's little boot licking toady. Have fun, tiny tot!

-- ProudWhitey (, August 15, 2004.

"Proud Whitey" is an idiot. It must suck to be a trailer trash white punk on dope. Truth hurts, huh?

-- (, August 16, 2004.

Yeah, especially if it was the truth, but it happens to be bullshit, nigger. Nice try. OWNED.

-- Proud Whitey (, August 17, 2004.

And you can't handle the truth "Proud Whiney". YOU just got "OWNED" by your own bile and you've proven that you are the one that is unintelligent by your words and your evil deeds. You're just a lame little punk who thinks hating others is cool, but in reality it will only get you in serious trouble and no friends to help you. Wake up and get a real clue. Society is screwed up because of racist nitwits like you and others of your ilk. If you even have anything remotely resembling a conscience, you'd see that your hate is wrong and you should turn away from it. Don't be a racist stooge your whole life, dump the racism from your life and move on.

-- (, August 17, 2004.

Evil deeds! LMFAO! Who the fuck do you think you are, prick? You don't have a fucking clue, do you. Are you even a responsible taxpaying adult citizen? If not, shut the fuck up.

-- Proudwhitey (, August 17, 2004.

You're no tax paying citizen little girl. You're just a whiny little bitch with no game. Racism is a dead horse in an advanced state of decay, just like you. Your argumens, if you can call your rantings that, have ZERO validity and are less than nothing.

-- (You're@Moronic, August 18, 2004.

You're no tax paying citizen little girl. You're just a whiny little bitch with no game. Racism is a dead horse in an advanced state of decay, just like you. Your argumens, if you can call your rantings that, have ZERO validity and are less than nothing.

One more time in English, neegro.

-- BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! (, August 18, 2004.

Man, Garret Ford is a little bitch.

-- Lt. Alexander (, August 18, 2004.

Like you Lt Alexandra? You know next to nothing about him and you and Fascist Crater-mouth run off at the mouth about things that are beyond your meager comprehension. The reason you are posting this nonsense is that you know nothing of what you are talking about.

-- Invader Zim (, August 18, 2004.

"You know next to nothing about him and you and Fascist Crater-mouth run off at the mouth about things that are beyond your meager comprehension. The reason you are posting this nonsense is that you know nothing of what you are talking about." This is the boiler plate response to any post that a pissy little bitch tosses in when they're owned. I especially love the last sentence. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You so funny! What? Are you Bill fucking Cosby?

-- You know who (, August 18, 2004.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Yea because a US Army Ranger that has served for years since he was 17 knows nothing. Why dont you point out the faults in his post? Alexandra...... I would rather be named Alexandra then Garret Ford. Garret Ford sounds like a little bitch name.

-- FACISTCARTER (, August 18, 2004.

I did, dummy! What? You need someone to READ it ALOUD to you? Too many years in the boy scouts did you in, Jack.

-- STFUdogooder (ProudWhitey@blowme.nig), August 19, 2004.

gurble gurble...............

-- (dfghfdgh~@dfg.sthjh), August 19, 2004.

Thats the most intelligent thing I've seen you write to date!

-- Observer (, August 19, 2004.

you guys are so fucking funny, but i was just wondering which one of you is the bitch when you shack up together? by the way i hate both of you for being homosexuals.....

pillowbiting fruity pants... lol

-- you bitches can call me daddy (, September 07, 2004.

Foolish little trailer-trash chump posting this hate-filled line of bull. One day you will stand before The Lord to give an account of your wasted life, and do you know what He'll say to you? "Get thee hence! I do not know you and you do not know me as Lord." And then you will be cast into The Lake of Fire for your sins here and in real life.

-- (ain't@sayin'.com), September 11, 2004.

comon now abe, you know all that fire and brimstone stuff just gets you riled up and youll have another stroke, get back in your wheel chair and take you pills, otherwise its back to the shock therapy for you.

-- doc (doc@the.Asylum), September 11, 2004.

To All Posters that are of Legal Age: Greetings from the Oracle. There appears to be a controversy surrounding our resident cheerleader better known as Garret Ford.

Man, Garret Ford is a little bitch.

-- Lt. Alexander (, August 18, 2004. Like you Lt Alexandra? You know next to nothing about him and you and Fascist Crater-mouth run off at the mouth about things that are beyond your meager comprehension. The reason you are posting this nonsense is that you know nothing of what you are talking about.

-- Invader Zim (, August 18, 2004.

Perhaps the Oracle should provide some information about Mr. Ford that may clear the air and settle the matter once and for all.

In His research the Oracle stumbled across a MOST INTERESTING (and disturbing) discovery concerning our beloved Garret Ford.

If you are of adult age, you are cordially invited to perform the same research and confirm the Oracle’s findings. If you are a minor, the Oracle strongly reminds you that you cannot legally view these images and you are NOT to follow the instructions that appear below.

First, direct your browser to Google.

Second, select the “Images” link.

Third, select the “Preferences” link to the right of the “Google Search” button.

Fourth, scroll to the SafeSearch Filtering section and select the radio button “Do not filter my search results”. You must next select the “Save Preferences” button at the bottom of the page. This will return you to the search page.

Fifth, type in Garret Ford. Once you have left no doubt that you have properly spelled his name the same way he spells it, select “Google Search”.

Sixth, at this point you will need to bypass the first page of images and proceed to the second page.

Seventh, the Oracle directs your attention to the image in the upper right corner. The Oracle also directs your attention to the link that appears below this picture. An image search for Garret Ford reveals a person in a most unflattering pose along with a link that is recognizable. Coincidence? The Oracle allows you to be the judge.

Mr. Ford appears to be having a wonderful time. He seem to be too preoccupied to even smile for the camera, but that would be difficult under the circumstances. Perhaps there is a kernel of truth in the adage that the best one’s are either married or gay.

-- Oracle (, September 11, 2004.

To the Oracle: Your post is proof that you have far too much hate and bias for all the time you have to post all that junk. Also, you know nothing of what you're supposedly talking about. You remain in every decent persons' eyes as a moronic dolt with no life outside of your trailer park. To the other racist posters: You losers need to get out of your trailer parks and get lives.

-- jim (jim@the.jungle), September 13, 2004.

What's your excuse then, Jim?

-- foobar (, September 13, 2004.

Or yours, foofag?

-- HoHum (, September 17, 2004.

Cultural diversity is what it is. I was raised to be polite to people, do good in school, go to college, get a good job, get married, have children, and work until my retirement benefits were substantial enough to retire comfortably without working. There are several different cultures amongst us and not all of them are respectful in society's eyes. For instance, many African-American families teach their children the exact opposite life goals as I was taught. Many African-Americans teach their children that the welfare system, food stamps, public housing projects, etc. is the way to go and start your adult life. In addition, many African- Americans are encouraged by their peers to have as many babies as possible so that the state assistance will be more beneficial to them. African- Americans in large are a different breed than what you will ever understand, so the thing to do is go to college, get a good job, move to the suburbs, and visit the city on occasion. Let the uneducated reside in their own quarters while the rest of us reside in our quarters (civilized).

-- donkey kong (, November 20, 2004.

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