The Magister Iuris Communis Programme 2004-2005 : LUSENET : Vietnamese American Society : One Thread

Master of Laws in Comparative, European and International Law (LL.M.)

The Faculty of Law of the Maastricht University (the Netherlands) offers an English-language postgraduate programme, the Magister Iuris Communis programme, leading to the degree of Master of Laws (LL.M.). This one-year programme is open to students who, upon successful completion of their basic legal education, wish to acquire the specialised knowledge and skills necessary for a European or international legal career. To this end, the programme provides an in-depth introduction to the law and policies of the European Union and further allows students to choose one of the six distinct specialisations offered by the programme:

  • Comparative Law and Ius Commune

  • Globalisation and Human Rights

  • Globalisation and Economic Regulation

  • European Law and Tax Regulation

  • European Economic and Social Regulation

  • International and European Criminal Law


    VietCong muon Hoc Thi xin vao Day Ghi ten ....

    -- Nong bi dai' (, July 25, 2004

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