Usury : LUSENET : Catholic : One Thread

While driving home I heard in a radio station someone claiming that the Catholic Church changed its teaching on USURY since the Middle Ages. In that case how can the Church claim to be the only valid interpreter of moral teachings? How many other doctrines have been changed through the centuries?

What the person speaking was trying to show is that the Church cannot be the true Church of Christ.

Please I'd like to see your answers.


-- Enrique Ortiz (, July 18, 2004


- bump-

-- Enrique Ortiz (, July 18, 2004.

usury is a matter of law, not dogma or even discipline.

usury is the criminal practice of lending money at exorbitant interest rates (courtesy of

the church has ALWAYS taught that following the moral laws of one's nation is the correct action owed by the people. if the laws of a nation allow usury, then the church will allow it. if not, then the church discourages it as a matter of giving unto caesar what is his.

HOWEVER, in the case of such matters as pro-abortion laws, these laws are imoral, and as such, we are bound by no moral law to subjegate ourselves to them.

THAT is the teaching of the church, not defining the laws, but instructing us to adhere to the laws of our nation. THAT teaching is still in effect to this very day.

-- paul h (, July 18, 2004.

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