play cda format video cd on computer : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Dear Sir, i have a cd consists on two clips track1.cda and track2.cda.This type of cd runs on the vcd/dvd player as i checked.But this cd is not run on my please inform me how i run this cda extension cd on computers. thanks email :

-- azam (, July 03, 2004


.cda is an audio CD, not a VCD. You'll need an audio player, like WinAmp, Sonique, Media Player, etc. to play it. Most software DVD players should also be able to play it.

-- Bryan (, July 05, 2004.

1----download winamp-3 full version that can play video cda files. OR 2----Software needed (these softwares are the one that I have used): 1. XingMPEG Player v 3.30 (Rel. 1997) 2. Nero burning ROM 5.5 3. VCDCutter v4.04 For Win98/Me/NT (Optional) 4. CDRW (optional) 5. My Platform, for your additional info only is WinMe.

The Steps (Windows only): 1. Start NERO, under burn options choose VIDEOS & PICTURES > VIDEO CD. 2. Insert the CD that contains CDA movie 3. On the next dialog box, click MORE > SAVE TRACKS TO HD 4. NERO should detect your disk but if not click DRIVE at the bottom left of the screen and click CHANGE DRIVE. 5. 3 tracks (approx. only) should appear,in the TRACK LIST click the 3rd (or the one that have the "largest" file size among the tracks - this is the movie file). 6. BROWSE for the output path (This is where you will save the image file). 7. Wait until NERO finishes the imaging. 8. Go to the directory(Path) where you specified to save the image file. 9. Right click it, under the POPUP menu, click RENAME. Replace the extension of the file from .nrg to .dat. (for ex. Hello.nrg Hello.dat). 10. Open the XINGMPEG Player, click FILE then OPEN and browse the folder of the .DAT file that you have renamed earlier. 11. Click the .DAT file (e.g. Hello.dat) then choose OPEN. Click the PLAY button.

Optional step: 12. Use the VCDCutter to convert the file to any movie format that it supports and based on what you need. Basically .DAT files is compatible with many movies players.

I only hope that this instructions help you in viewing your movie. E-mail me for your questions and clarifications about the instructions. I'm very thankful to know about your comments and appreciation.

Thanks and goodluck,

-- paresh (, November 04, 2004.

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