greenspun.com : LUSENET : The Christian Church : One Thread


We have been in the church-planting ministry in northwestern Mexico for over forty years, and we have seen God's blessing in thousands of different ways. Yet, never have we seen an opportunty for sustained growth like the one that I am about to share with you. The private Elementary & Jr. High school where my wife and sister teach in Ensenada is at a definite crossroads. Do to poor management, Instituto California faces the very real possibility of having to close its doors. Our Christian witness there has been carefully cultivated over the years and it would be a shame to see all that work goe to waste. We would like to seize this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to turn this school into a Christian outreach in the community. Yet, we cannot go it alone do to the resources needed to pay off pending bills and salaries. All this totals aproximately $10,000. This does not included start-up funds to keep the shool opperational until it gets back on its feet. We are praying that God would provide a way to make this miracle come true. If you are led of Him to help in any way, please fill free to contact me anytime. In His Grace, Philip Watkinson missionary evangelist www.mexicanevangelism.homestead.com

-- Anonymous, June 30, 2004

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