Autoplay Script Kills DVD Player : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
I am trying to create a VCD that will play on my DVD player AND autoplay when I put the disc into my computer. I got the autoplay script to work on the PC, but the VCD will not work on any DVD players. I am using the VCD.asx and autorun.inf script files to make the VCD autoplay with Windows Media Player. Any help would be appreciated.-sean
-- sean (, June 23, 2004
did you try playing the VCD in a different DVD player. did you make the VCD using "VCDEasy". just add your *.mpg file then on the last tab hit "add file " this is where you put in your Autorun.inf & VCD_play.exe files , they will end up in the root of the disk. you will need to search for the "VCD_play.exe" file out on the net. i think it came with the old Win-cd burning software goodluck!
-- mr russ (, November 15, 2004.