greenspun.com : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

I am just looking for the lever only(snapped one last night)getting quotes of 4 months! anybody know of a good stockist,or a replacement one? thanks john

-- john b kennedy (john@kennedytransport.co.uk), June 23, 2004


Try Mark @www.moto-mv.com I believe he keeps them in stock Les

-- Les Spragg (zen22731@zen.co.uk), June 23, 2004.

John I have one - if you can't find a quick replacement you can have mine and then return it once your new one arrives. I'm also in Scotland and can pop it in the post asap. Bill

-- Bill Craigie (b.craigie@ascman.co.uk), June 23, 2004.

Thanks guys, think i have found 1 at powerhouse there last 1!, so i grabbed it when i heard that 3x were quoting 3months!

thanks again john

-- john b kennedy (john@kennedytransport.co.uk), June 24, 2004.

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