How can I split a converted file? : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Hi there, here's my problem: Whenever I split an avi file using virtualdub, I always find that the sound and image are out of synch in the second file (I need to split the files in order to fit a whole film on 2 CD's). Is there a way to split the already converted Mpeg file (I convert using TMPGenc)? Or is there a better way to split the original avi file without getting the already mentioned sound problem?. Please help me!!!

-- Sebastian Schmidt (, June 17, 2004


You can use either MPEGVCR (if you only want to work with MPEG-1 video) or MPEG2VCR to split the video. You can find more info at It is also possible to split using TMPGenc, but that often leads to audio sync problems.

-- Root (root@yahoo.moc), June 21, 2004.

I'm not a specialist but it seems this is because you split the file to a frame that is not a keyframe. You need to select keyframes in VirtualDub (use button with key or manually select with your mouse and pressing shift key) to set your selections and you should then be OK.

-- ernie (, July 07, 2004.

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