searching for a gal named : LUSENET : Burning Man : One Thread |
hi ya, I met Sunburn at the martinez calif. de-compression party. I told her about my ordeal in 2002, night of the temple of joy. I became very ill and went to the medical tent. they pushed on my stomach, asked me if I was pregnant, I answered no. I received an IV for an hour and sent on my way diagnosed with de-hidration. I am not looking to start a battle or anything, but she wanted ro help me set up a relief fund for my 31,000$ medical and surgeon debt that I am being harrased to go into bankruptcy over.After leaveing burning man,I checked into SF general hospital for 7 days in result of my apendix explodeing and an estimant of 3 hours to live. I was denied financial asstance by san fran. because I reside in santa cruz. Santa cruz denied me because it diddnt happen there. SOOOOO, I am screwed I guess. Anywho, if anyone knows of her please have her contact me at or (831)359-9684 ask for first name Hella last name Dee-liscious... see ya on the playa aug,30, baby 2004!!!!!!! we might create band camp,with flute dildos to take home....heeheeeheeee
-- desiree sherwood (, June 15, 2004