remove flickers and pixel : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I want to know how to removed flickers and when i capture using ulead the quality is so bad because there is so many pixel. In what way i can get better quality

-- yakub (, June 08, 2004


Well, the only way to do this is to capture at higher bit rates. Standard VCD uses a very low bit rate and pixellation is inevitable. You can consider making XVCD, which is video at VCD resolutions and frame rates but at a higher video bit rate than VCD's standard 1.115 Mbps. Such discs violate VCD standards and they will give you less recording time per CD-R than normal VCDs. However, most standalone DVD players that support VCD will play these discs. A bit rate of 1.7 might give you better results. You can also consider learning to make SVCDs. There are some guides at SVCDs use higher bit rates and resolution than SVCD and depending on your capture card and bit rate, under the best conditions it can approach DVD in terms of quality. I want to emphasize that this is under the best conditions. Your recorded video at best will be only about as good as the source video, never better. If your capture card does hardware encoding (Dazzle and Hauppage do), you'll get better results than if it does software encoding like ATI cards. If your card does software encoding, a faster CPU will give you better quality.

-- Root (root@yahoo.moc), June 11, 2004.

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