nancy : LUSENET : Central of Georgia Railway Historical Soc : One Thread |
I'm trying to reproduce the era of the Nancy Hank from Atlanta to Sav. Ga. during the 1940 to 1950. I'm unable to fine pictures of the route . Can anyone help me with information or pictures of this time frame.Thanks jim street
-- jim street (, June 08, 2004
There is a lot of area to cover from Atlanta to Savannah. ;-) A great source of information and pictures of the Nancy Hanks is the Images of America Central Of Georgia Railway book. ( /0738516163/ref=lpr_g_1/102-7978976-2296144). You can find other information such as pictures of stations and depots at can find aerial shots of Atlanta in 1949 at . You can also find some older geographic maps of Georgia at
This is quite a long route to reproduce from Atlanta to Macon and onto Savannah with lots of small stops in between. You might want to narrow down the area.
-- Scott Povlot (, June 08, 2004.