Why WONTmy VCD's PLAY when I put them in my drive

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I have a CDRW drive and a DVDrewitable drive, I have Sonic myDVD software (came with the drive) and a panasonic digital video camera. Computer has 2GHz processor, 256Mb ram, 20Gb hard drive, Radeon 9200 graphics card.

I wanted to put my film from my camera onto a VCD then bung it either in a video disk player (which I haven't got yet) or my CD or DVD drive on my computer and let it automatically run.....am I naive?

I ran the sonic program tape direct to VCR( no dvd disks yet either) useing the CDRW (I only have recordable disks - at the moment too!)

when the process ended...files had been transfered to the CD in various folders none in the root directory...in one folder was the file is "open DV" which is the editing program, and in a "click me" file the following..........

>"The files that describe the contents of this disc ("descriptive files"), and are recorded herein, contain proprietary and/or copyrighted material of Sonic Solutions. These descriptive files may only be opened by a Sonic-licensed authoring application. No other applications may decode, open nor make use of these files in any manner whatsoever, for any purpose. Please note that these files are protected by technological measures designed to prevent unauthorized access to them. "<

when i insert this CD back into my cd player (either..the CD or DVD player nothing happens...I can click the editing program, but thats not what i want....all I wanted was to copy my tape to a CD and let it play...

MY QUESTION IS.....what am I missing or doing wrong....

frustrated as hell Geoff

-- Geoff Stocks (altair@connectfree.co.uk), June 07, 2004


There are some guides to making VCDs at http://www.dvdrhelp.com. Follow them precisely and you should make better progress. I don't know that you can use MyDVD to make VCDs, which might be a big part of your problem. Your message is not real clear about what you did, so maybe the guides will help you.

-- Root (root@yahoo.moc), June 08, 2004.

The most common file format on a VCD is a .dat file so if there is a .dat file on the CD, right-click, highlight 'Open With' and select Windows Media Player. Hope this works!

-- Samantha Reddington (Sami_rules23@hotmail.com), December 22, 2004.

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