Armenian apostolic female marrying catholic male : LUSENET : Catholic : One Thread

Hi. I would like to know what options we have for our wedding in terms of which church/(s) we can get married in. I am armenian apostolic and my fiance is catholic and want to know whether any of the options below are available to us: *Marriage in the armenian apostolic church with the ceremony in english - can a catholic priest participate in the service too? * Marriage in the armenian evangelistic church with an apostolic and catholic priest present to particpate in the service * Marriage in a non-denominational church with armenian apostolic and catholic priest conducting the service * Marriage in the catholic church with the armenian apostolic priest present and participating in the ceremony

We would like our marriage to be recognised in the eyes of both churches as we would like to retain our individual faiths. Also, what implications does this have on the baptism of our children in the future?

Your help is greatly appreciated.

-- Chrissy (, June 07, 2004


bump for others: my only advice is to consult a Catholic priest....

-- Bill Nelson (, June 07, 2004.

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