Annulment Process in Catholic Church : LUSENET : Catholic : One Thread

Good afternoon,

I just received a civil divorce last week, and I would appreciate any advice you may offer me regarding Canon Law concerning the annulment process in the Roman Catholic Church. What are our Pope's beliefs concerning divorce and annulment in the Catholic Church? Also, which helpful books or magazine articles can you recommend that I read? I now live in Florida with my parents; can you recommend any specific Catholic priests or Catholic organizations that I may contact for assistance in this grave matter? Thank you so much!

Peace be with you,


-- Mary Ann McGrath (, May 30, 2004


Bump to New Answers to invite comment.

-- (bump@bump.bump), May 30, 2004.

I recommend HOW CAN A MARRIAGE BE DECLARED NULL? by Rev. Michael Smith Foster, J.C.D.

The J.C.D. degree is a doctorate of canon law.

-- Mark (, May 30, 2004.

I recommend "Love and Responsibility" by our Holy Father, John Paul II.

Your marriage may or may not be valid in the eyes of the Church and you may be called to a life of chaste celibacy as a result of the failure in your civil marriage. Saint Paul calls this "the better way."

-- Pat Delaney (, May 31, 2004.

Mary, you will find good information at this site.

At this site, there are many links that you can use. Some are "dead," but at least some of the "live" ones (e.g., anything from James Akin) are reliable.

Henry IX

-- (Defender@fThe.Faith), May 31, 2004.

Mary Ann, may God bless you and keep you through what I'm sure is a painful situation.

Here is a very good link: http://www.diocese-gal-

I have gone through the process in my diocese -- Galveston/Houston.

Don't believe half of what you hear or read.

Talk to your local priest or diocesan tribunal.

God bless,

-- john placette (, May 31, 2004.


I recently received my annulment - it took 6 months. Your spouse does not need to participate in the process if he so chooses. I have been divorced for 5 years and finally decided to seek annulment - for many reasons, but for healing. I think most of the information floating around regarding the annulment process is mis- information, distorted and mis-understood. Talk to your new parish priest in Florida for the real answers and truth, let the Holy Spirit guide you through this, and let him heal you. May Gob bless you through this difficult time. Stay strong and seek him for help. Jennifer Rabideau

-- Jennifer Rabideau (, June 03, 2004.

"In much the same way, in church law any marriage (c. 1055) that takes place is legally presumed to be a valid sacrament. Yet if enough information is brought forward to indicate otherwise, the presumption of validity will yield to a declaration of nullity."

I would strongly suggest that the above quoted statement by Rev. Michael Smith Foster, J.C.D is in error...

Nullity is not proven by indication or by prepondence of 'enough' evidence -if there is ANY doubt, presumtion is validity. Nullity must be PROVEN by objective fact that is unmistakeable and not open to subjective interpretation...

-- Daniel Hawkenberry (, June 18, 2004.

The parish priest in the U.S. is not a reliable source for advice on marital validity.

In the U.S., the ordinary priests are not trained to know the law themselves. Although they may have had an abbreviated exposure to canon law in the seminary, the essence of marital validity is a mystery to them.

Instead, parish priests in the U.S. are trained to refer marriage validity inquiries to others in the diocese who, far more often than not, are guided by local policy goals that are in complete conflict with the universal policies of the Church that are guided by Doctrine.

The worst kind of advice comes from parish priests who have no training whatsoever in canon law in marriage cases, but nevertheless dispense erroneous advice on marital validity that is informed merely by their empirical observations of the numerous illegitimate declarations of invalidity in other marriages.

Mary Ann,

The best and most authoritative advice you can find is easily available. Go to the Vatican website and read the annual speeches our Holy Father John Paul II has made to the judges of the Roman Rota. There are about twenty five now.

The wisdom of theses speeches is incalculable. Unfortunately, in many U.S. chanceries, these missives of wisdom and love remain as "unopened letters."

-- Pat Delaney (, July 24, 2004.

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