Old tunnel through Pine Mountain

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Central of Georgia Railway Historical Soc : One Thread

I have a website called Gone and Almost Forgotten Georgia. I was resarching the small town of Shiloh, Georgia and found some interesting information. I do not know what train line was involved, but, you folks have been so helpful to me in the past. I read there was once a tunnel that ran from Shiloh to Warm Springs, it cut through Pine Mountain and is supposed to be where hwy 116 toward Manchester is now. Has anyone else ever heard of this? I would love to know if there is anything left of the old tunnel. Where the entrance and exits were for it and what years the tunnel was opened. In other words any info!

-- jan page (page007655@cs.com), May 26, 2004


I believe you're referring to the tunnel that was later "daylighted" (opened into a cut) at "Southern cut," on the Southern Railway line that once ran between Shiloh and Warm Springs. It crossed under highway 190 a few miles west of Manchester. I don't know when the tunnel was daylighted. The SR line was abandoned in the early 1990s.

-- Larry Goolsby (clgoolsby@att.net), May 26, 2004.

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