Building the Nancy Hanks in HO : LUSENET : Central of Georgia Railway Historical Soc : One Thread

I plan on building the Nancy Hanks II in HO for a layout at my home in the original blue/grey scheme. I am using Concor 72' undecorated series cars as they have the skirting like the real thing and the 72' length will be easier to navigate in tighter curves versus the scale 85' cars. I have the necessary Microscale decals for the diesel engine and have purchased a P2K decorated E8 to "strip" down using brake fluid to clean up and prime/paint. My question is does anyone know the correct blue and grey to shoot these cars and engine in? I have an airbrush so that is not a problem. I am told that B&O royal blue is real close. I would rather use acrylics if possible.

-- Wally Calhoun (, May 25, 2004


Wally, You may wish to consider using an E7 rather than an E8. The Nancy Hanks II locomotives were E7's from series 801-810. The 811 & 812 were E8's and were assigned to the Seminole. They were delivered in the CofGa Blue & Gray scheme, but were later painted in Illinois Central Brown and Orange and remainded in that scheme until retired as far as I know. I don't believe an E8 in blue and gray was ever used, at least not on a regular basis.

B&O Royal Blue is close but seems a little light to me. I prefer Floquil Dark Blue, but it's a little too dark. For the gray, SP Lettering Gray is OK, but not quite dark enough. The fact is there is no ready mixed blue or gray that I'm acquainted with. Atlas GP7's, RS-3's, and Fairbanks-Morse units have the correct colors in my opinion. Use the same gray on the cars as on the locomotive.

Good luck on your project.

Ed Mims

-- Ed Mims (, May 26, 2004.

You will only need to paint the grey. The blue stripes are available as Microscale Decals 87-1127 ( You will also need 87-1126 ( for the Nancy Hanks logo and car numbers.

-- Scott Povlot (, May 25, 2004.

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