loud buzzing sound on vhs tapesgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
i was making some home movies of my kids to burn to cd to send to thier gradparents but having no money had to use an obsolete video camera from the 80s. (the kind you actually put a whole vhs tape into and record on that.) when I got done taping and went to watch the tape before i transfered them to cd noticed that there was a loud buzzing sound the whole lenght of the tape so loud that it sometimes drowns out the talking what I would like to know being a technological newbie is is there anyway to get the buzzing sound off when i transfer the vhs tape to cd and somehow enhance ethe background sounds so you can hear what the kids are saying
-- chon (clal528670@aol.com), May 07, 2004
You should look at investing in Pinnacle Studio 9. It has an option of "Noise Reduction--Remove annoying wind noise, hiss, and camcorder whine." Read up on what it can do for you at:http://www.pinnaclesys.com/ProductPage_n.asp? Product_ID=1501&Langue_ID=7
-- ~m (mtekayo@yahoo.com), July 18, 2004.