Playing Mp3 CDs : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I m using a Sony VX 333 Video CD/ACD player,not mp3 CD compatible. If I want to play mp3 CDs in this player what i have to do? If it is possible how much it costs?

-- Ajesh (, May 02, 2004


Your options are not very good. They are: 1) Buy a player that supports MP3. 2) Convert your MP3 files to WAV format and burn them as audio CDs. The program BeSweet (get the GUI version) at can help. It's available in the Downloads section under Audio. 3) Convert your MP3 files to MPEG audio. BeSweet should be able to do this. It calls MPEG audio MPA. Use VCDeasy ( to make a VCD with MPEG audio. You can get up to 6 hours of audio on such a disc, I think. I've never done it, so I can't say how well it works. You will need to buy the commercial version of VCDeasy to do this. If it works, this might be your best option.

-- Root (root@yahoo.moc), May 03, 2004.

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