Pride and Proverbs, : LUSENET : Ask Jesus : One Thread |
Proverbs 11:2. When pride cometh, then cometh shame: but with the lowly is wisdom. Is this not so today? Do we see rallys, and cheers?Gay pride parades, Prideful advocates of "womens reprodictive rights", Pride in the attitude of the modern man, who seeks to "Do his own thing" and to have sex at will, drink at will, curse his neighbours at will.
Is not Pride prevailent in our society? is it not cultivated?
It seems, indeed, that we have a disdaine for meekness, and praise those most consumed by Pride. From the politician braigng of his exploits, tot he clebrity boasting of their own acocmplishments ad sex lives.
We are not a culture of humble sumbission, but proud rebellion, indeed, rebellion is praised in Modern Sociery a a sign of strength and virtue. Submission get sone labkled as weak and mindelss, whereas rebellion gets one sen as sexy and cool. One who rebels makes his own way, and thus is free. But realisticlaly, we also se the walls raised by pride, the distance, the isolation, and the friendships lost over stupid Pride.
So true is this verse, and yet so blind are they who live in this world to it, for they fall to the words of the arrogant and prideful.
Or this verse, form Proverbs 13: 10. Only by pride cometh contention: but with the well advised is wisdom.
This is so with what I know. I have met many learned men, and many fools, and what I know is that those of contention seek no wisdom, nor conain wisdom, they merely attempt to get their way, and to force others with signs of aggression.
Those who are lowly ar emocked and caled stupid, even arrogant and egotistical, whole the modern man parades himself as though the centre of atention, while flauting perversity at every corver.
But what is the end of this madness?
Proverbs 16: 18. Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.
This have I also seen, how the Prideful are rogth low. Those hwo the most seek fame and glory and vbolster themselvesseem in the end to sucumb to thir own losts, to the poin of loss of controle, until , in the end, they become slaves to their pasions, even unto their own desruction. From the pro-athelese whorapes a woman beause he thinks he is intiled, tot he politician who imbezles money and costs the nation obs, Pride seems to eliminate most of th firm ground, replacign it instead with slippery rock and dark canyon walls. an the higher we strive up those walls, the greater the fall will be when we do, inevitabley, fall form those craggy, jaded survices.
Our society is built upon Pride, it seems. And one notices int he attitude of hte rebellious generation their utter contempt for nayhtign BUT their own lusts and pasions, which must flagerently be given top priortiy, even to the detrement of those in need.
Shall we, in our prieful, contentoous western world, see a fall? Or , as with ninevah, can we repent, and learn the ways of the Lord our God still?
Or is all lost to the way of life, leavign only sin and deaht and enslavement in its wake?
I close, thouhg I offered this form Proverbs, with a Citation form Ecclesiasties, 10:3. Yea also, when he that is a fool walketh by the way, his wisdom faileth him, and he saith to every one that he is a fool.
-- ZAROVE (ZAROFF3@JUNO.COM), May 01, 2004
Priverbs 8: 13. The fear of the Lord is to hate evil: pride, and arrogancy, and the evil way, and the froward mouth, do I hate.
-- ZAROVE (ZAROFF3@JUNO.COM), May 01, 2004.