how to make games that can be played on stand alone vcd player : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

iam having an standalone vcd player which plays vcd`s and mp3 cd`s in that player there are two game sockets (naming game1.game2) and also iam having two joy sticks where can i get the game cd`s that can be played in my vcd player and how to make games to be played on vcd players?

-- shaffiullah (, April 29, 2004


plz tell us how to make vcd games & which use the softwer for the vcd games

-- ankush ramchandera salvi (, June 01, 2004.

Hiiiiiiii just wanna know where I can find vcd games & how can I burne it ? Thank u ......

-- Khalid Fetoh Ali (, June 19, 2004.

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