Funded Summer School @ CCNY : LUSENET : Middle School Science : One Thread

Currently working science teachers in NYC can apply for a summer school course at CCNY, 3 credits funded by NSF grant. The course is "Physical Geology" and classes begin JULY 7, END JULY 29. Classes meet M,T,W,TH 1:30-04:00PM. E-mail me for more info and an application...


-- Michael Gatton (, April 28, 2004


Clarification on funded course at City College of NY: "Funded" means the course is paid for by someone else, in other words, free for you if you are accepted, but you do have to apply. Incidentally, the Physical Geology course is designed specifically for middle school science teachers (and assumes that teachers may have quite limited background knowledge in the sciences) and is part of the Middle School Science Certification/Master's program at CCNY. They accept applications to the program on an ongoing basis, so any science teachers needing a Master's degree should consider it. Most of the course work is funded, although there is no guarantee of that.


-- Michael Gatton (, April 29, 2004.

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