My VCD file is not writing properly : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I am using the Nero Express thats comes with CD writer. I have one movie file with *.DAT. I can able to play well in my computer using media player. After burn into CD , it looks copying well and got message "Succssfull burn". When i play that CD, using VCD Player, it goes only halfway...approximately..20 min.. after that Images get hang and stopped. Facing problem only when i burn VCD Files. Writing data files no issue . I am using Win 2k Pro, I have lot of free spaces , My C drive have free space of 10 GB, D drive have 10 GB free space. My ram is 512

Could please advise any solution?

thanks rama

-- Rama (, April 26, 2004


Where did the .DAT file come from? You may want to get a program that converts .DAT to .MPG files (such as VCDEasy.)

Try to do a burn right after rebooting your computer. Burn at the slowest speed possible for your CD burner and don't load any other programs or do anything else on the computer while burning. You may also want to try a different type of CD.

If this doesn't work, you may want to try and get another movie file or have someone else try to burn the file. There may be a problem with it that only shows up once burnt. Nero is funny about that, if it has to do any recoding, it can destroy the integrity of the file.

-- Bryan (, April 26, 2004.

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