Is there Anyone to support a young man? : LUSENET : The Work of Edgar Allan Poe : One Thread

Hello there! My name is Paul. I'm 21. I come from Russia. Right now I'm a fourth-year student. My major is English & German. I'm also good at computers. My hobby is webdesign and programming. I've been to the US. I speak perfect fluent English. My dream is to study and become a good specialist. When I was in the US I met a woman who had sponsored a teenager from Poland. Since that day I've been looking for somebody who could help me to make my dreams come true. Please let me know if there's a chance, a chance for my future. Sincerely yours, Paul. Please , e-mail me at

-- Anonymous, April 20, 2004


I guess there is none

سنی اسلام

-- Anonymous, July 18, 2004

lmao true true

-- Anonymous, December 14, 2004

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