can i convert to mpeg-1 without including sound? : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

okay i got the whole stint of making my outfit movie,just about.theres one last issue i need to solve before i endeavor on getting 50 people to film 20 min. of video and setting up a site so they can send it to me and i can start combining them to make a there anyway to use TMPGenc to create it in right format with no sound at all?if its not possible with this prog. is there another that does?because of the answers i recieved on my last post and a discusson earlier with my medic its pretty well decided well make it with no sound to get more video since veideo is whats special not the sound.the version we make with sound for fileplanet will be different than nostalgic memorys.

#1-is there anyway to use TMPGenc to create a vcd in right format with no sound at all?

#2-if its not possible with this prog. is there another that does?

thank you everyone who helps and allready did kudos to Bryan ( for his help in my last post


-- george solomon (, April 16, 2004


TMPGEnc can make the MPEG-1 with no sound, or remove/add sound from a MPEG-1 later if you want. I guess I should have mentioned that you'll use Nero's VCD making function to actually make the VCD from the resulting file. TMPGEnc just makes the MPEG from your source.

I think Nero complains if there is no audio stream, but you can continue the burn anyway. The best way to see if it works is try and burn a VCD (use your burner's slowest speed, like 4x or something) and try to play it. A modern DVD player shouldn't care (much!)

-- Bryan (, April 16, 2004.

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