New to video : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
HiI need a bit help. I am new to all of this video cd stuff. What software, hardware do I need to be able to make video cd.
I have been told by a few friends that you can copy movies on to a normal Recordable Disk. Is this true, if so how do I go about doing it.
Mark Cockburn ps Do can I use a normal cd re-rewriter or do I need a dvd re-writer
-- Mark Cockburn (, April 15, 2004
If all you're wanting to do is make VCDs out of DVDs, grab a program called Eazy VCD at:
You'll need reasonably modern computer, a DVD-ROM drive, a software DVD player (like PowerDVD, WinDVD) and a CD-R drive. Eazy VCD is, well, easy to use. It uses a number of included programs to make the VCD. Just remember that the first time you use it, one of the programs called TMPGEnc will throw a splash screen up, and you have to check the "never show this screen again" and the continue button to finish.
It takes several hours to make a VCD. I usually let mine run overnight.
-- Bryan (, April 15, 2004. has some guides on making VCDs that might be useful to you.
-- Root (root@yahoo.moc), April 16, 2004.