Reusing 'pegs' in mnemotechnic : LUSENET : History & Theory of Psychology : One Thread

I am intrested in reusing 'pegs' (for example numeric pegs) for remembering things. Are there any technique to distinguish old things remembered on pegs from the new. Is there a posability to use that same pegs to remember (permanently, or at least for longer time) many sets.

-- Kamil Felskowski (, April 15, 2004


I'm sorry your question has gone so long without an answer. I suspect this is because few people use these kinds of mnemotechnics anymore. Indeed, most people don't find them particularly useful, which has led to a small literature on whether and why they actually did work for people though the classical and medieval eras, but not so much in the modern period. It sounds to me like your question is, in essence, an empirical one. Try it out with a bunch of subject and see how reusing pegs affects the effectiveness of the system.

-- Christopher Green (, May 09, 2004.

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