American Can Company : LUSENET : San Francisco History : One Thread

I am researching the American Can Company which was in San Francisco in the Potrero Point area before it moved to Brisbane, CA. In the late 1980's American Can Company closed in Brisbane, CA. Does anyone have suggestions about how to find historical information about this company?

Thank you very much for your time.

Alison Anson

-- Alison Anson (, April 10, 2004


American Can Company On Third Street

11 Jan 1929

-- strange (, April 10, 2004.

You should contact the San Francisco History Center at the San Francisco Public Library. Look here for contact info:

The person above used a photo from the History Center's collection. You can see more photos of American Can Co., some of which include additional info, here:

-- bug (, April 12, 2004.

Woodbridge in the book San Francisco architecture, has the building standing at 3rd and Bryant since 1905. I think it moved to Brisbane around 1955 when the above picture was taken.

Good luck in your research.

-- Kurt Iversen (, April 13, 2004.

The response from Kurt Iversen references a different American Can building on Bryant (actually Alabama Street), currently in use as artist lofts (called Project Artaud). I have created a web site about the shipyards near the American Can Company (, but I don't have much specific info. on American Can. However, if you are still researching this, please let me know as someone else I know may have done some research on the American Can building.

-- Ralph Wilson (, November 11, 2004.

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