Problem playing VCD on a DVD : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
Someone burned a VCD for me. I can play it on my laptop, but not on my home DVD player (Sony DVP-NS315 actually supposed to play VCDs). I get the following message "no soundtrack found" (there is actually no soundtrack). Can someone help? Thanks.
-- Eric Toffin (, March 30, 2004
Maybe whoever burnt it for you didn't use a real burner. You may have a cd with only one track in that case, so it's unplayable.You can burn a real vcd for yourself by using Nero. Just copy the movie file to your PC and burn with Nero or some other prg.
-- AC (, April 01, 2004.
Some DVD's players wont play VCD burnt on a CD try a DVD disk or a CD/RW worked for me.. have a sony DVD too...
-- Mark (, April 20, 2004.
Some DVD players are not ment to play VCD's. You must have a DVD player that says on the front pannel somewhere "VCD" otherwise it will not play.J.B
-- Jack Black (, September 30, 2004.