will another paint work on new CG caboose model

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Central of Georgia Railway Historical Soc : One Thread

I have just built two of the CG caboose kits produced by Gary Wright. He says to use Model Flex brand of paint. I've been unable to get that brand. I can get Model Master or Scale Coat. Does anyone know if either of these paints have the same properties as the Model Flex and could be used instead of the Model Flex. I have always painted with Floquil paints and are not aware of the pros and cons of these other types of paint. The cab kits are great by the way. I made some slight changes to them to make them "closer" to prototype. Thanks for any advice. Don Worthy

-- Don Worthy (worthy57@accucomm.net), March 27, 2004


Testor's Model Master is also an acrylic paint and should work. Floquil's Polly Scale works as well as Badger's Model Flex. The problem folks have found with Floquil and Scale Coat is they don't wear well (i.e., paint rubs off edges and corners). Try Model Master on an area, such as the inside floor and see if it bonds well.

I'm painting a CG plywood cab and using Polly Scale.

Frank Greene

-- Frank Greene (fgreen01@midsouth.rr.com), March 27, 2004.

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