How teas are good for different kinds of people? ( ) : LUSENET : Tea Forum : One Thread


Health Chinese people believed that a person who always drinks tea can has better health and longer life. And many modern researches prove that tea is a good natural health drink. Chinese tea contains vitamin, essence, fluorine, etc. that are health for eyes, brains, kidney, etc.

How teas are good for different kinds of people? 1. For peoples with weak bodies Red tea is adequate for them. And adding some sugar and milk can let them increase energy and absorb more nutrients. 2. For teens As they are in the growth period, green tea is adequate for them. 3. For ladies at the time before and after menstruation, or in climacteric They are easy to become angry and bother. They should take flower tea which is good for livers. It also can smooth their temper. 4. For fat people They should drink oolong tea or red tea (especially Pu-erh). It can lower the level of fat in human body. 5. For people who need to have good analytical mind or energetic body People like drivers, athletes, soldiers, analysts, etc. should take green tea. It is good for the mind, also can increase the intelligence and memory. 6. For diabetic The level of blood sugar in diabetic's body is inadequately higher than standard level. The diabetics always feel thirsty and weak. Researches prove that drinking tea can lower the blood sugar level. It can also letdown thirsty, increase physical strength. Diabetics should drink green tea. And the volume drunk everyday can be a little bit higher. It is suggested that they eat some pumpkin when drinking tea. 7. For people with heart disease People with too quick heartbeat, or whose heart/kidney are not well functioning, should take some light tea. Moreover, the volume taken shouldn't be too high. People with too slow heartbeat or high blood pressure, should always drink high class green Tea. It can accelerate the blood circulation, lower the level of cholesterol, lower blood coagulation, etc. 8. For people with stomach disease People with gastritis, gastric ulcer, stomach hemorrhage, etc., should drink some light tea , sugar red tea or milk red tea at 2 hours after taking medicine. It can help to eliminate inflammation and protect the gastric mucous membrane. 9. For pregnant women and child They should drink light tea. It provide mineral nutrients like potassium, zinc for them. In additions, child drink tea would have better digestion.


-- Annie Hui (, March 22, 2004

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