different prices??

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Burning Man : One Thread

Sir, or Madam,

I have read a little about Burning Man...and saw a brief documentary on television...and I am curious enough to consider attending.

Why the different price - levels of tickets ?

What, if any, services are available ? (food, water, shower/washroom..and alcohol)

Thank you for your attention to this queery.

Michael Hegan

-- Michael Hegan (ttmhegan@hotmail.com), March 16, 2004


>The proceeds are then donated to local Nevada civic groups.

this is true for the ice sales.

the coffee sales are separate, and pay the salaries of the people selling the coffee.

-- (duf@yahoo.com), June 12, 2004.

There are no public sanitation services other than porta potties Burning Man. There is no water for sale and no food. You must bring everything you need to survive the event. The only real exception are ice and coffee sales at center camp. The proceeds are then donated to local Nevada civic groups.

There are no public showers or liquor sales. All cash transactions are prohibited. Anyone offering any items are services for sale or advertising commercial goods at Burning Man will be told to stop, If they dont they can be forced to leave the event. Burning Man is about radical self reliance and radical self expression in a hostile desert enviroment. It is purposly made to make people be self sufficent and not rely on the abilty to buy thier comfort or personal needs during the event.

Come prepared and you will have a blast! It is a wonderfull one week escape.

-- Gary (gltaylor2@cox.net), April 12, 2004.

The price levels are a way to get people to purchase tickets as early as possible. Burning Mans revenue to produce the event is entirely dependent on ticket sales. Becuase of this it is very important to get people to buy tiekts early to start the cash flow to create the event each year. Without the abilty to buy tickets cheaper earlyin the year people would wait and buy them just before the event. This would be a financial disaster for Burning Man.

-- Gary (gltaylor2@cox.net), April 12, 2004.

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