stand alone dvds that play .avi files?? : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Can you buy a dvd player that will play a cd-r with an avi file on it? instead of encoding/converting to a dvdr etc....

just wondered?

-- (, March 12, 2004


There are 'DVD' players that play Divx/Xvid .avi files, but that's about it right now. Try: DVDname=&divx=1&Search=Search&orderby=Name&Submit2=Search

for some of the players that can play Divx.

-- Bryan (, March 12, 2004.

so effectively, i could download an avi file and burn it as "data" onto a cd-r and these dvd players would play it like Media player/winamp/divx player does???

-- lane (, March 13, 2004.

Yes, but the only .avi type supported by standalone players is Divx. Most of the Divx players also only support regular Divx, and not "Divx Pro."

Any other .avi type can only be played on computer.

-- Bryan (, March 14, 2004.

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