tox_vcd generated by which burning software : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

hai i want to know which burning software makes tox_vcd label and get cdda cdi mpegav,vcd, segment and in mpegav we get music01.dat etc. what is the best vcd making software and where could i get the free download of that i would be very greatful to those who help me

-- aravinh (, March 11, 2004


If you want to make VCDs directly from a DVD, and want the software to do all the work for you, get EazyVCD from - it installs all the software (TMPGEnc, BeSweet, etc.) and does all the work.

For best quality, set the options to "slowest" - it takes a while but gives nice results.

-- Bryan (, March 12, 2004.

i have one of those terapin stand alone vcd recorders and it creates TOX VCD files

-- Jason Scott Yeldell (, March 12, 2004.

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