The Folders : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I Am Able To Burn VCDs.

But What Are The Folders For: CD-I MPEGAV Segment VCD

Please Help.

ThanX Davfiz

-- David Fizer (WipeOffThatLook@aol.cmo), March 03, 2004

Answers could answer your questions, but you'll have to look at a large document to get the answer. I remember that CD-I is used for interactive computer stuff, but it's an old format that never really caught on. It has little practical use for most people. MPEGAV is where the video file(s) lives. Segment has some info on how the VCD is put together. I don't remember what, if anything, VCD is for.

-- Root (root@yahoo.moc), March 03, 2004.

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