VCD on big screens? : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I am trying to play a VCD on a big screen TV and I don't know if the poor quality is do too the projection. I am aware of the encoding process, but the video quality looks good on my computer, but when I burn the CD and play it on my my igscreen it looks worse then a VHS. I have a Sony HI8 VT350 and I am using a USB 2.0 interface. Any ideas on how to improve the quality?

-- mentalfloss (, March 01, 2004


You can enjoy play DVD, VCD simply bad visual quality.

-- David Yu (, March 01, 2004.

In truth, VCD is, at best, as good as VHS, but in most cases it's probably worse. The bit rate is too low to allow for a really good quality picture. You have a few options. You could try encoding your source, assuming you didn't record it directly as VCD, with TMPGenc ( and set Noise Reduction (it's an Advanced option) at the highest levels. It will help a lot, but it may honestly take days to encode your video. No joke. You could make XVCD, which is VCD with a higher bit rate than the standards allow for. Finally, you could make SVCD, which has a higher bit rate than VCD and can offer quality close to DVD under the right circumstances. has some info on SVCD and maybe on XVCD too.

-- Root (root@yahoo.moc), March 02, 2004.

VCD actually contains half the 'pixels' of a VHS recording because VHS is 'interlaced' (each frame contains 2 fields). On top of that, the low bitrate causes heavy blokage and reduction in detail. A large TV screen will show all this up.

-- chris302 (, August 08, 2004.

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