Coffee's on! : LUSENET : SARO1's Inner Connections : One Thread

Make yourself at home, we have plenty of room for old friends and some new ones, too!

we'll be meeting here untill EZ resolves their problems.

all are welcome!

-- SAR01 (, February 29, 2004


Well, at least this board loads quickly for me.

Don't worry, Saro. We'll bribe the techs with brownies and threaten the CEO with an extended sit-in.

-- (, February 29, 2004.

hahahah I thought about allthe mean things I could say to the techies, but it is not their fault. and one techie has been so helpful to me, and he knows I am just a might stretched too tight!

thing is I really do like EZ board, but I can;t have major problems with getting into my board! now, my mod s can;t even get in.

comfort food.. I need comfort food!.. hahahahah just kidding, still losing weight and feeling great!

-- SAR01 (, February 29, 2004.

Saro, I got into IC the same way Sam did. Through one of the old posts in my account. Jeanne is the only one that has posted there other than Lauri, at least that's all I saw. Jeanne said she came in "through the back door" . I guess you can only access threads you have posted on...if you can get in that way, maybe you can retrieve things.

-- Mary Nolty/dovelady 3 (, February 29, 2004.

thanks Mary... but I do not have my last 5 posts visible to get in through the back door!....waaaaa! waaaaa!

-- SAR01 (, February 29, 2004.

Sue, I just went in through the back door again, Lauri has posted in there as well as Jeanne. Calanthia made a post on Earth Changes asking for help...said she was told she was "banned". I told her to try the backup board.

-- Mary Nolty/dovelady3 (, February 29, 2004.

if anyone can get in, please post in the cafe and announcements that no one is banned, and I can do NOTHING to help at all!

-- SAR01 (, February 29, 2004.

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