YASA problemsgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
Hi,I Have A YASA Video Burner And YASA MPEG Converter.I Convert My MOV Files To MPGs And Use The Burner To Burn It.Only It Says That They Are Invalid MPEG Files And To Use The Converter,When I Allready Did. I Even Download Super DVD Creator 6.0 And It Did The Same Thing.
Please Give Any Info You Know Of.
-- David Fizer (WipeOffThatLook@aol.com), February 29, 2004
And Also,What Files Are VCDs(Like Are MPEGs Or AVIs Be Able To Work On The DVD Player?)
ThanX Ugen
-- David Fizer (WipeOffThatLook@aol.com), February 29, 2004.
http://www.dvdrhelp.com has information on the specifications for VCD. I don't know anything about the software you are using, so I can't help with that.
-- Root (root@yahoo.moc), March 01, 2004.
VCDs are RIFF (Resource Interchange File Format) MPEG-1 files with a .DAT extention. The RIFF header contains the information that tells the player what kind of file is actually in the file.doom9.org, afterdawn.com, dvdrhelp.com (I think) are all good places to start looking for information on how to make VCDs.
If I remember correctly, TMPGEnc has a plug-in module that allows it to take .MOV files and convert them to MPG.
-- Bryan (gryps-innocens@gryphon.zzn.com), March 03, 2004.