Toshiba sd210e : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Do you know where i can obtain the region code disk to make this player multiregional as it only plays region 2 and i am lead to believe all you need is the disc to upgrade this machine

-- Alan Spragg (, February 28, 2004


Typically this is only true for DVD players made by "lesser name" manufacturers. Few of the DVD players made by the big corporations can upgraded in this way. You should look at and look up your player to see what it says about making it region free. Also is a good source for firmware upgrade information.

-- Root (root@yahoo.moc), March 01, 2004.


I have a 'sd210e' like you and I got lots of difficulties to find an upgrade for the firmware to get the DVD-Player region free.

The forum of about the player ( lead to a dead link : and the other link suggest give explainations about others dvd-players than the TOshiba'one.

So, if you got some news how to find the firmware we both look for, please contact-me :)

Thanks in advance.

-- Alex (, March 18, 2004.

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