Eastern Records Malaysiagreenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
Eastern Records:http://www.eastern.com.my/default.asp
They look legit. Anyone ever order from them? I've emailed them a few times, but no response. I was trying to find out if the ship to the USA.
-- Bryan (gryps-innocens@gryphon.zzn.com), February 24, 2004
If they won't respond to you, I would not recommend buying from them (in case of any problems, etc.).
-- (!@!.!), February 24, 2004.
I have bought from the following VCD shops. They are legit and ship to the US. http://www.allvcds.com http://www.vcdgallery.com I have never heard of Eastern Records, but I would not take it as a good sign that they didn't respond to your email. You can send email to the 2 sites I mentioned and I'm sure they will be glad to answer your questions. They have email contact info on their web sites.
-- Root (root@yahoo.moc), February 25, 2004.
Hi there, I'm stationed in Hong Kong, if you guys looking for any movies or whatever , feel free to contact me at jefcic@yahoo.com
-- Melvin (jefcic@yahoo.com), March 09, 2004.
Eastern Records is a legit company, they are actually one of the wholeseller in Malaysia. I have a website which will go online soon and i purchase original VCDs from them. Some of others Berjaya HVN, Speedy Video and Wawasan are also main distributors.They don't usually sell to individual.
-- Kevin (kenking66@yahoo.com), December 18, 2004.
Thanks. I kind of figured that was the case. Send me your website link when it goes up and I'll check it out.
-- Bryan (gryps-innocens@gryphon.zzn.com), December 18, 2004.