Calis, Alabama depot on Columbus-B'ham : LUSENET : Central of Georgia Railway Historical Soc : One Thread |
Howdy, folks!I finally joined up, and I am enjoying all the info I get from this web site and the quarterly newsletter.
I'm currently tracking down info about the Vincent and Calcis, Alabama areas. I've contacted two of my dad's cousins whose father was once a CofG conductor, and I'm hoping they'll have info and maybe photos. I've also located a surveyor's map that shows the rail property in Calcis and has the location of the various buildings owned by the company.
I am trying to track down photos of the ORIGINAL Calcis depot building. The second one was nothing more than a covered platform with one room for freight. (Its still sitting in the back yard of one of the local homes, being used as a storage shed!) The original was torn down after one wall was wiped out by a southbound (eastbound?) derailment. I'm hoping that the new "Class C" depot model will end up matching the original depot in Calcis. If any of you have more info on this or other Calcis and Vincent properties, I'd greatly appreciate it. I'll be glad to reimburse you for any expenses in copying photos or documents.
-- John Justice (, February 21, 2004