Looking for Digimon VCDs

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Does anyone know where to locate some of the Digimon Adventure (Season 01) VCDs with english audio? I need discs 7,17,20,22,23,25,26 and 27. I have an episode list available if that would be of more help.

www.a1vcd.com has most of them, but they are running out of stock on some. Eastern Records (www.eastern.com.my) seems to have them in stock, but they only take creditcard if you fax it to them. I'm a little hesitant on that. Anyone ordered from them?

-- B. Walker (l057738@yahoo.com), February 17, 2004


Reliable VCD dealers that I have bought from are: http://www.allvcds.com http://www.vcdgallery.com http://www.getvcds.com (They seem to be out of business. They also sold bootleg DVDs and may have been shut down because of that.) I would be hesitant about buying from anyone who requires you to fax a credit card to them. http://www.yesasia.com also sells VCDs, but I have never bought from them.

-- Root (root@yahoo.moc), February 17, 2004.

Thanks. I've checked with all those, and they are out of stock, so it would have to be someone that has some personal copies, etc. that they want to sell.

www.getvcds.com changed names a while back, they're www.a1vcd.com now. I've ordered from them, they seem to be ok. Had some out of stock items on my order, and they promptly refunded my credit card.

-- Bryan (l057738@yahoo.com), February 17, 2004.

YesAsia.com is reliable (it sells mostly Hong Kong imports), but their prices seem to be getting more expensive every time.

-- (!@!.!), February 24, 2004.

Hi there, I'm stationed in Hong Kong, if you guys looking for any movies or whatever , feel free to contact me at jefcic@yahoo.com

-- Melvin (jefcic@yahoo.com), March 09, 2004.

Yesasia.com has them, but only in non-english versions. I found a private seller that has them.

-- Bryan (gryps-innocens@gryphon.zzn.com), March 09, 2004.

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